تازه ترين

CEO's Message

It gives me immense pleasure to introduce Awaz Television as a leading infotainment channel of the country which airing up to date, reliable news bulletin, current affairs and entertainment programs to cater the requirements of the valued customers and viewers. The basic concept was to launch a regional channel of an international standard therefore screen quality and customer service are our top priorities.

Our values are a constant reminder to us of how we should all serve to our home land. They inspire us to be a driving force in modern media and viewers satisfaction. We want to make it easy for our viewers to get what they want when they want it. We will keep promises and do what we say, we will do. I would like to thank both our valued customers for their trust and support and also my dynamic team who made my dream come true. We will innovate to deliver fresh ideas and will respect our viewers and their cultures.

آواز عوام جو پنهنجو ئي آواز آهي ، جيڪو پنهنجي نشريات وسيلي ايوانن تائين پهچي ٿو. آواز ٽي وي تي 24 ڪلاڪ ڀروسي جوڳيون خبرون ۽ ڪرنٽ افيئرز جا پروگرام نشر ٿين ٿا. ڇاڪاڻ ته هي ادارو پنهنجي ذميوارين جو ڀرپور احساس رکي ٿو.

آواز ٽي وي تي معياري موسيقي ، ڊراما ۽ شوبز جا سمورا رنگ نکرندا آهن، نه رڳو ايترو پر ميڊيا جو هي ادارو ڏسندڙن جي دلچسپي کي نظر ۾ رکندي دنيا ۽ملڪ اندر موسمن جي ڦيرگهير،راندين جي ميدانن تي ٿيندڙ مقابلن جا احوال، ۽ ٻيو گهڻو ڪجهه پيش ڪري ٿو

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